US Manufacturer of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Implements eInfotree Excel Desktop to Replace Manual Processes
This U.S. based manufacturer of active pharmaceutical ingredients replaced time-consuming and error-prone manual processes with eInfotree Excel Desktop. This allowed them to control access and track changes to production spreadsheets that calculate complex final release data. CIMCON also created a trending feature that provided personnel an easy way to monitor and track inconsistencies in the batch processes and report out instantly on those results, using both data compilation and graphing.
Pharmaceutical Manufacturer uses Life Cycle Spreadsheet Management Tools for 21 CFR Part 11 Compliance
Any spreadsheet errors in a GxP environment, can lead to serious consequences. This client uses CIMCON’s spreadsheet management software to ensure that a controlled environment is consistent across all users and provides authenticity, integrity and confidentiality of electronic records.
Global Pharma uses eInfotree Excel Desktop for Quality Control
Searching for a more efficient method of spreadsheet management for both quality control and 21 CFR Part 11 compliance, this client conducted a rigorous direct comparison of spreadsheet compliance applications and chose eInfotree Excel Desktop as their solution for all GxP spreadsheets. Significantly reducing new spreadsheet design/remediation, validation effort and timelines while maintaining compliance; increased security, and reporting tools for audit trails, settings and configurations were key criteria in their selection process.
Major Pharma Manufacturer Closes Compliance Gap while Improving Business Processes
In the highly regulated industry of pharmaceutical manufacturing, compliance gaps are unacceptable. By implementing CIMCON’s eInfotree Excel Desktop to manage spreadsheets with security, audit trail and eSignature functionality, this client was able to close compliance gaps in the manufacturing process thus ensuring the accuracy of their drug and product deliverable, and improving business processes.